main concepts of the project are computability, complexity and
causality in the context of membrane systems, process calculi, Petri
nets and other related formalisms. Computability and complexity are
cornerstones of theoretical computer science, while causality is an
issue without a generally accepted formal characterization. We intend
to study the computability power of concurrent systems in order to find
a minimal set of ingredients (number of compartments and involved
resources) for which the formalisms are Turing complete. Focusing on
computational efficiency, we want to show that concurrent systems (in
particular biologically inspired calculi) can solve hard problems (e.g.
SAT and QBF) in polynomial time. We intend to obtain the causal links
between the components of the system without the introduction of
external ingredients.
Research Team:
Prof. Gabriel Ciobanu, manager
dr. Oana
Agrigoroaiei ("Due to tough financial cuts, the researcher decided to move in another
country. The contract was suspended for 2013 and ended in 01.01.2014." )
dr. Bogdan Aman
dr. Ross James Horne ("Due to tough financial cuts of more than half of this year budget,
the researcher decided to move in another country. The contract was suspended for 2013 and 2014." )
Armand Rotaru, PhD Student ("Due to tough financial cuts, the researcher decided to move in another
country. The contract was ended in 01.01.2015." )
dr. Andrei Alexandru