Born in: |
2.06.1976, Onesti, jud. Bacau, Romania |
PhD 2006. |
Professional Experience: |
Technical Experience: |
Research Experience: |
Fields of interest: Neural
Networks, Signal Processing Books and book chapters: 1. Brezulianu, M. Fira, “Procesarea semnalelor
biomedicale si aplicatii”, Editura Politehnium, Iasi, septembrie 2010,
ISBN:978-973-621-308-3 2. A. M. Lazar, L. Davea, M. Fira, A. Maiorescu, B.
Teodorescuy, R. Urseleanu, "Interfata creier - calculator; Implementarea
paradigmelor", Ed. Cermi, 2009, ISBN: 978-973-667-369-6 3. A. Brezulianu, I. Ciocoiu, M. Fira, Chapter 10
“Electrocardiographic Signal Processing Applications in Telemedicine”, in
book “Handbook of Research on Developments in e-Health and Telemedicine:
Technological and Social Perspectives”, edited by M. Manuela Cunha, António
Tavares and Ricardo Simões, Medical Information Science Reference Publicher,
ISBN: 978-1-61520-670-4, December 2009
M. Fira, H-N. Costin, L. Goras, A Study on Dictionary Selection în Compressive Sensing for ECG Signals Compression and
Classification, BIOSENSORS-BASEL, Volume12, Issue3, Article Number 146, https://doi.org/10.3390/bios12030146,
2022 (Impacf
factor = 5.52 , Q1 indexata ISI -Thomson
Reuters) 2.
M. Fira, H-N. Costin, L. Goras, On the
Classification of ECG and EEG Signals with Various Degrees of Dimensionality
Reduction, BIOSENSORS-BASEL, Volume11, Issue5, Article Number161,
DOI10.3390/bios11050161, 2021 (Impacf factor = 5.52, Q1 indexata
ISI -Thomson Reuters) 3.
M. Fira, L. Goras, ECG and EEG Pattern
Classifications and Dimensionality Reduction with Laplacian Eigenmaps,
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA),
Volume11, Issue3, Page 42-48, 2020 (revista indexata ISI - Thomson Reuters) 4.
M. Fira, L. Goras, On Some Methods for
Dimensionality Reduction of ECG Signals,
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications
(IJACSA), Volume 10, Issue 9, Page 326-331, 2019 (revista
indexata ISI - Thomson Reuters) 5.
M. Fira, L. Goras, A. Lazar On P300
detection using scalar products, International Journal of Advanced Computer
Science and Applications (IJACSA), Vol. 9, No. 1, 2018 (revista
indexata ISI - Thomson Reuters) 6.
Monica Fira, Liviu Goras,
Comparison of inter-and intra-subject variability of P300 spelling dictionary
in EEG compressed sensing, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science
and Applications (IJACSA), Vol. 7, No. 10, 2016 (revista
indexata ISI - Thomson Reuters) 7.
Monica Fira, Compressed Sensing of Multi-Channel EEG Signals:
quantitative and qualitative evaluation with Speller Paradigm, International
Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), Vol. 7, No.
6, 2016 (revista indexata
ISI - Thomson Reuters) 8.
Adrian Brezulianu, Monica Fira, Marius
Daniel Pestina, Compressed Sensing Based Encryption Approach for Tax Forms
Data, International Journal of Advanced Research in Artificial Intelligence
(IJARAI), Volume 4 Issue 11, 2015 9.
Eva, Anca Mihaela Lazăr, Monica Fira, Normalized Itakura
Distance for MU Rhythm, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi, Tomul LIX (LXIII), Fasc.
4, 2015, Secţia, Electrotehnică,
Energetică, Electronică,
pp. 91- 101 10.
M. Fira, L. Goras, Compressed Sensed ECG Signals using Patient
Specific Dictionaries, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi, Secţia
Electrotehnică, Energetică, Electronică, 2014 11.
L. Goras, M. Fira, Review of Recent Results on ECG Compression
and Classification, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iasi, Tomul LX
(LXIV), Fasc. 1, 2014 12.
Fira, M., Goras, L., "A New
Method for EEG Compressive Sensing," Advances in Electrical and Computer
Engineering, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 71-76, 2012, (Impacf factor = 0.7 indexata ISI -Thomson
Reuters) 13.
M. Fira, L.Goras, N. Cleju, C. Barabasa, "On
the Projection Matrices Influence in the Classification of Compressed Sensed
ECG Signals", International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and
Applications, IJACSA Volume 3 Issue 8, pp 141 – 145, 2012, pp 141-145, ISSN:
2158-107X (indexata ISI -Thomson Reuters) 14.
A. Brezulianu, M. Fira, L. Fira, „A
genetic algorithm approach for scheduling of resources in well-services
companies”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Artificial
Intelligence, IJARAI, Vol. 1, No. 5, pp 1-6, 2012, 2012, pp 1-6, ISSN:
2165-4050 15.
A. Brezulianu, M. Fira, L. Fira, “A
genetic algorithm approach for a constrained employee scheduling problem as
applied to employees at mall type shops”, International Journal of Advanced
Science and Technology, Vol. 14, January 2010, pag
53 - 64, ISSN: 2005-4238 16.
A. Brezulianu, M. Fira, „Integrated
Information System of Monitoring and Management for Heart Centers”,
International Journal of Advanced Research in Artificial Intelligence,
IJARAI, Vol. 1, No. 5, pp 16 - 21, 2012, 2012, 16-21, ISSN: 2165-4050 17.
M. Fira, Detection of P300 in a BCI Speller, “Communications in
Computer and Information Science”, Convergence and Hybrid Information
Technology, Volume 206 / 2011, Part 7, pag.
481-487, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011, pp 481-487, ISSN: 1865-0929 (revista indexata ISI -Thomson
Reuters) 18.
M. Fira, L. Goraş, C. Barabasa, N. Cleju, “On ECG
Compressed Sensing using Specific Overcomplete
Dictionaries”, Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol. 10, Nr.
4, 2010, pp. 23- 28, ISSN 1582-7445 (Impacf factor = 0.7 indexata ISI -Thomson Reuters) 19.
M. Fira, L. Goras, “Biomedical Signal
Compression based on Basis Pursuit”, International Journal of Advanced
Science and Technology, Science and Engineering Research Support Center
(SERSC), Vol. 14, pag. 1-14, January 2010, ISSN:
2005-4238 20.
A. Brezulianu, M. Fira, E. Gazzi, L. Sorodoc: „A Computerized Data Analysis Method for Electrogastrogaphyc Signals”, Revista
Medico-Chirurgicala a societatii
de medici si naturalisti din Iasi, volumul
113 (2009), numarul 1 , pp. 120, ISSN: 0048-7848,
2009 21.
M. Negoita (Fira), L. Goras, "An ECG Signals Compression Method and Its
Validation Using NNs", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol.
55, No. 4, 1319 – 1326, April 2008 (
Impacf factor = 2.5 Q1 indexata ISI -Thomson Reuters) 22.
M. Negoita (Fira), L. Goras, "The R-wave Detection with Low Computation
Complexity Based on the Pan-Tompkins Algorithm", Buletinul
Institutului Politehnic
Din Iasi, Tomul L (LIV), Fasc. 3-4, 2004, Electrotehnica, energetică, Electronică 23.
M. Negoita (Fira), L. Goras, "A Robust Algorithm for Accurate QRS Complex
Detection", Buletinul Institutului
Politehnic Din Iasi, Tomul
L (LIV), Fasc. 1-2, 2004, Electrotehnica, energetică, Electronică
M. Fira, L. Goras, On the
Classification of ECG Signals Subject to Various Degrees of Dimensionality
Reduction, International Conference on e-Health and Bioengineering, EHB 2020,
Iasi (conferinta indexata IEEE Xplore si ISI proccedings) 25.
M. Fira, L. Goras, Dimensionality
Reduction for ECG Signals; Laplacian Eigenmaps and Locality Preserving
Projections, International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems
(ISSCS), 2019, Iasi, Romania (indexata IEEE Xplore și ISI proccedings) 26.
Fira, The EEG Signal Classification In Compressed
Sensing Space,
The Twelfth International Multi-Conference
on Computing in the Global Information Technology, ICCGI 2017, Nice, Franta, 23 -27 iulie 2017 27.
Monica Fira, Liviu Goras,"On the size of the universal dictionaries used in EEG P300 spelling paradigm
based on compressed sensing", 9Th International Conference
on Bioinformatics and
Biomedical Technology (ICBBT 2017), Lisabona, Portugalia, 14-16 mai 2017 (ISI proccedings) 28.
Fira, Andrei Maiorescu, P300 spelling and EEG compressed sensed based on a universal megadictionary, International Conference on
Intelligent Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques - SOMET 2016, Larnaca, Cipru, 12-14 septembrie 2016 (Volume 286:
New Trends in Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques, Series
in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, IOS press, DOI
10.3233/978-1-61499-674-3-203, pp: 203 - 212) (Revista
BDI) 29.
Fira, Liviu Goras, On Compressed Sensing for EEG Signals -
Validation with P300 Speller Paradigm, International Conference on
Communications, COMMS 2016 , Bucharest, Romania, 9-11 iunie
2016, DOI: 10.1109/ICComm.2016.7528296 (conferinta indexata IEEE Xplore si ISI proccedings) 30.
Fira, Liviu Goras,
Victor-Andrei Maiorescu, The Analysis of the Specific Dictionaries for Compressive Sensing of
EEG Signals, International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human
Interactions - ACHI 2016, Veneția, Italia, 24-28 aprilie 2016 31.
Fira, Liviu Goras,
Victor-Andrei Maiorescu and Mihaela
Catalina Luca, Compressed Sensing and Clasification of Cardiac Beats Using Patient Specific
Dictionaries, International Conference of Information and Communication
Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health - ICT4AWE2016, Roma, Italia, 21-22 aprilie 2016 (ISI proccedings) 32.
Oana-Diana Eva, Anca Mihaela Lazăr, Monica Fira, Normalized
Itakura Distance for MU Rhythm, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi, Tomul LIX (LXIII), Fasc. 4, 2015, Secţia,
Electrotehnică, Energetică,
Electronică, pp. 91- 101 (Revista
BDI) 33.
Monica, Applications of Compressed
Sensing: Compression and Encryption, International Conference on e-Health
and Bioengineering, EHB 2015, 19-21 Noiembrie,
Iasi, Romania (conferinta indexata
IEEE Xplore si ISI proccedings) 34.
Monica Fira, Liviu Goraş,
A New Method for ECG Compression Evaluation, Proceedings of International
Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems ISSCS 2015 (CDROM), 9-10 July,
Iasi, Romania. (ISI
proccedings) 35.
Fira Monica, Applications of Compressed Sensing: Compression and
Encryption, International Conference on e-Health and Bioengineering, EHB
2015, 19-21 Noiembrie, Iasi, Romania (ISI proccedings) 36.
M. Fira, R. Aldea, A.Lazar, L. Goras, Classifications of Motor
Imagery Tasks in Brain Computer Interface Using Euclidean Distance, 12th
Symposium on Neural Network Applications in Electrical Engineering, NEUREL
2014, 25 – 27 Noiembrie 2014, Belgrad, (conferinta IEEE - ISI proccedings) 37.
R. Aldea, M. Fira, A. Lazăr, Classifications of Motor Imagery
Tasks Using K-Nearest Neighbors, 12th Symposium on Neural Network
Applications in Electrical Engineering, NEUREL 2014, 25 – 27 Noiembrie 2014,
Belgrad, (conferinta IEEE -ISI proccedings) 38.
M. Fira, L. Goras, On projection matrices and dictionaries in
ECG compressive sensing - a comparative study, 12th Symposium on Neural
Network Applications in Electrical Engineering, NEUREL 2014, 25 – 27
Noiembrie 2014, Belgrad, (conferinta IEEE -ISI proccedings) 39.
M. Fira, L. Goras, C. Barabasa, Reconstruction of Compressed
Sensed ECG Signals Using Patient Specific Dictionaries, International
Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems- ISSCS 2013, Iasi, Romania 40.
M. Fira, L. Goras, N. Cleju, C. Barabasa, „Results on
ECG Compressed Sensing using Specific Dictionaries and its Validation”,
International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces – ITI 2012, 25
– 28 Iunie 2012, Dubrovnik, Croatia, pp. 423-428,
ISBN: 978-953-7138-24-0, ISSN: 1330-1012 (conferinta IEEE -
ISI proccedings) 41.
A. Brezulianu, M. Fira, „E-Heart
Centre – Integrated Information System of Monitoring and Management”,
International Symposium on Health Informatics and Bioinformatics (HIBIT
2012), 19 – 22 Aprilie 2012, Nevsehir,
Turcia 42.
M. Fira, L. Goras, N. Cleju, C. Barabasa „On the
classification of compressed sensed signals”, ISSCS 2011 (The 10-th
International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems), 30 Iunie – 1 Iulie 2011, Iasi, pp
503-507, ISBN: 978-1-4577-0201-3 (conferinta IEEE - ISI proccedings) 43.
N. Cleju, M. Fira, C. Barabasa, L. Goras, „Robust
reconstruction of compressively sensed ECG patterns”, ISSCS 2011 (The 10-th
International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems), 30 Iunie – 1 Iulie 2011, Iasi, pp.
507-510, ISBN: 978-1-4577-0201-3 (conferinta IEEE -ISI proccedings) 44.
M. Fira, L. Goras, C. Barabasa, N. Cleju, „ECG
compressed sensing based on classification in compressed space and specified
dictionaries”, EUSIPCO 2011 (The 2011 European Signal Processing Conference),
29 august – 2 septembrie 2011, Barcelona, Spania, pp 1573-1577, ISSN: 2076-1465 (conferinta IEEE -ISI proccedings) 45.
M. Fira, L. Goras, N. Cleju, C. Barabasa, “On the
Possibilities of ECG Signals Compressed Sensing”, 6th European Conference on
Intelligent Systems and Technologies – ECIT 2010, Iasi, October 7-9, 2010,
Romania, ISSN: 2069-038X 46.
M. Fira, Ad. Brezulianu, L. Goras, L. Fira, “On the Compressed Sensing of ECG Signals
and their Reconstruction Using Genetic Algorithms”, 6th European Conference
on Intelligent Systems and Technologies – ECIT 2010, Iasi, October 7-9, 2010,
Romania, ISSN: 2069-038X 47.
M. Fira, L. Goras , “Basis Pursuit for
ECG Compression”, International Symposium on Signal, Circuits and Systems,
ISSCS 2009, Iasi, Romania, pp. 25 -28, ISBN 978-1-4244-3784-9, 9–10 July
2009; (conferinta
proccedings) 48.
M. Fira, L. Goras , “Biomedical Signal Compression based on Basis Pursuit”,
International Conference on Convergence and Hybrid Information Technology,
ICHIT 2009, in Daejeon, Coreea de Sud; pag. 541-545, ISBN:
978-1-60558-662-5, 27 – 29 August 2009 (conferinta
proccedings) 49.
A. Brezulianu, M. Fira, Lucian Fira,
“A genetic algorithm approach for a constrained employee scheduling problem
as applied to employees at mall type shops”, International Conference on Convergence
and Hybrid Information Technology, ICHIT 2009, in Daejeon, Coreea de Sud; pag. 497-501, ISBN : 978-1-60558-662-5, 27 – 29 August
2009 (conferinta IEEE - ISI proccedings) 50.
L. Goras, M. Fira, „Preprocessing Method for Improving ECG Signal
Classification and Compression Validation”, 4th International Scientific
Conference on Physics and Control – PHYSCON 2009, Catania, Italia, Paper ID
262, Procceding IEEE, 1-4 Septembrie
2009 51.
M. Negoita (Fira), L. Goras, "On the Validation of an ECG Signal
Compression Method using NN's, 5th European Conference on Intelligent Systems
and Technologies (ECIT 2008), Iasi, Romania, July 10-12, 2008 52.
M. Negoita (Fira), C. Andriesei, L. Goras,
"Compressed Heartbeats using Skeleton and Codebook", 5th European
Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, 7th – 9th July 2006, Patras,
Grecia; 53.
M. Negoita (Fira), L. Goras, "Results on Original and Compressed
Heartbeats Classification using a Multi-Layer Perceptron", 5th European
Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, 7th – 9th July 2006, Patras,
Grecia; 54.
M. Negoita (Fira), Liviu
Goras, "On a Compression Algorithm for ECG
Signals", 13th European Signal Processing Conference – EUSIPCO 2005,
Antalya, Turcia, September 4-8, 2005, ISBN 975-00 (conferinta IEEE -ISI proccedings) 55.
M. Negoita (Fira), Liviu
Goras, "A New Compression Algorithm for ECG
Signals", EUROCON 2005- The International Conference on Computer as a
tool, Belgrad, 2005 (conferinta
proccedings) 56.
M. Negoita (Fira), C. Corciova, F. Topoliceanu, R. Ciorap, "The analysis of isometric loading on biceps
EMG dynamics using linear and nonlinear tools", Proceedings of 2nd
European Conference on Inteligent Systems and Tehnologies ECIT 2002, 17-20 iulie
2002, Iasi, lucrare extenso
pe CD, 10-B2-p1, 2002 57.
L. Slabu, M. Negoita
(Fira), I. Grosu, "Modern tool for
investigation of heart rate data", 2nd European Medical & Biological
Engineering Conference (EMBEC'02), Vienna (Austria) 04-08 December 2002, pp.
1284-1285, 2002; (conferinta IEEE -ISI proccedings) 58.
M. Negoita (Fira), L. Slabu, F. Topoliceanu, R. Ciorap, "Use of recurrence quantification analysis în the analysis of EMG signal", 2nd European Medical
& Biological Engineering Conference (EMBEC'02), Vienna (Austria) 04-08
December 2002, pp. 542-543, 2002 (conferinta IEEE -ISI proccedings) 59.
M. Negoita (Fira), L. Slabu, F. Grosu, L. Lerescu, "Nonlinear Dynamics of Cardiac Rhythm and
of Human Gait", International Medical Summit For Medical Students and
Young Doctors, 26-28 Octombrie 2001, Zagreb,
Croatia, pag 36-40, 2001; 60.
L. Slabu, M. Negoita
(Fira), A. Sandu, C. Cosduneanu,
L, Amariei, I. Grosu,
"Investigations of Cardiac Rhythm Fluctuation Using the DFA
Method", CD proceedings of the 23rd Annual International Conference of
the IEEE Engineering în Medicine and Biology
Society, 25-28 Octombrie 2001, Istambul (conferinta IEEE -ISI proccedings) |
Research grants: |
APPLICATIONS AND THEIR IMPLEMENTATION", director of grant, 2015 - 2017 |