Supporting material and annexes to: Horia Nicolai Teodorescu, Cecilia Bolea, "POLARITY AND SENTIMENT ANALYSIS OF GENERAL AVERESCU’S WAR MEMOIRS"
C. Bolea, "An analysis of tweets related to earthquakes for the Romanian Language", SPED 2017, The 9th International Conference on Speech Technology and Human-Computer Dialogue, July 06-09 2017, Bucharest, Romania.
M. Onofrei, D. Gifu, C. Bolea, "Old geographical corpora: A methodology for interpretative trascription", SPED 2017, The 9th International Conference on Speech Technology and Human-Computer Dialogue, July 06-09 2017, Bucharest, Romania.
C. Bolea, "Language Processes and Related Statistics in the Posts Associated to Disasters on Social Networks", International Journal of Computers Communications and Control, Vol. 11, no 5, 2016, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15837/ijccc.2016.5
C. Bolea, "Lessons learned on language processes and language statistics in the posts associated to disasters on Social Networks", Modelling and Mitigation the effects of the disasters - Symposium, 2-4 nov. 2016, Iasi, Romania.
H.N.L. Teodorescu, C. Bolea, "On the Algorithmic Role of Synonyms and Keywords in Analytics for Catastrophic Events". ECAI-2016, 8th International Conference On Electronics, Computers And Artificial Intelligence, Romania.
H.N. Teodorescu, C. Bolea, "Analysis of probabilities of specified words’ occurrences in SN messages related to catastrophes", System Analysis and Information Technology, 18-th International Conference SAIT 2016, May 30 – June 2, 2016, Kyiv, Ukraine.
C. Bolea, "Vocabulary, Synonyms and Sentiments of Hazard-related Posts on Social Networks An analysis for Romanian messages", SPED 2015, The 8th International Conference on Speech Technology and Human-Computer Dialogue, lucrare elaborata in cadrul grantului 984877/G4877 NATO SPS, IEEE.
A. D. Bibiri, C. Bolea, L. A. Scutelnicu, A. Moruz, L. Pistol, D. Cristea, "Metadata of a Huge Corpus of Contemporary Romanian. Data and Organization of the Work", The 7th Balkan Conference in Informatics, BCI 2015, Craiova, Romania, Septembrie, 2015.
N. Curteanu, A. Moruz, C. Bolea, A. Scutelnicu, "Recognition and Prediction for Implicit Contrastive Focus in Romanian", Computer Science Journal of Moldova, vol.22, no.3(66), 2014.
I. Păvăloi, E. Musca, C. Bolea, F. Rotaru, "Acoustic Analysis, Methodology on Romanian Language Vowels for Different Emotional States", 11-th International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems, ISSCS 2013, July 11-12, 2013. Iaşi, România, 2013, ISBN 978-1-4673-6141-5, IEEE Catalog Number CFP13816-CDR.
N. Curteanu, D. Trandabăţ, C. Bolea, "Integrating Contrastive Focus with Givenness and Topic-Comment: A Hierarchical Focus Architecture of the Romanian Discourse-Prosody Interface", SPED-2011, Brasov-Romania 2011, IEEE Conference Publications Program, IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
C. Butnariu, N. Curteanu, C. Bolea, "Levels of Finite Clause Parsing: Implications and Applications", Memoriile Secţiilor Ştiinţifice/Memoirs of the Scientific Sections, Series IV, Tome XXXIV, 2011, ISSN: 1224-1407, pp. 41-54.
N. Curteanu, A. Moruz, D. Trandabăţ, C. Bolea, M. Spătaru, M. Husarciuc, "Parsarea Arborilor de Sensuri şi Segmentarea Definiţiilor din Dicţionarul Tezaur eDTLR", ConsILR 2008, Iaşi, Romania.
N. Curteanu, D. Trandabăţ, M. Moruz, C. Bolea, M. Husarciuc, "Parsarea limbajului natural cu configuraţii SCD. Un instrument computaţional distinct de gramaticile formale, utilizat în parsarea textului de Acquis comunitar şi a dicţionarului eDTLR", Zilele Academice ieşene, septembrie 2008, Iaşi, Romania.
D. Trandabăţ, A. Moruz, I. Dornescu, N. Curteanu, C. Bolea, "Topic-Focus Subjectivity within Verbal Complex Substructures on the Romanian Syntax-Prosody Interface", EuroLan 2007 Semantics, Opinion and Sentiment in Text, 23 iulie-3 august 2007.
M. Moruz, N. Curteanu; D. Trandabăţ; I. Dornescu; C. Bolea, " Parsarea predicatului (verbal/nominal) si a clauzei (finite/nefinite) in limba romana. Aplicare la parsarea FDG, în Lucrarile Atelierului de Resurse Lingvistice Româneşti şi Instrumente pentru Prelucrarea Limbii Române", Iaşi, noiembrie 2006, Editura Universităţii "Al.I. Cuza" Iaşi , pp. 123-128.
N. Curteanu, M. Moruz, D. Trandabat, C. Bolea, I Dornescu, "The structure and Parsing of romanian Verbal Group and Predicate", The 4-th European conference on intelligent systems and Technologies (ECIT-2006), Iasi, Septembrie,2006, pp. 93-105.
N. Curteanu, E. Zlavog, C. Bolea, " Sentence-Based and Discourse Segmentation / Parsing with SCD Linguistic Strategy", in H. N. Teodorescu et al. (Eds.), Intelligent Systems Conference, Performantica Press, Iasi, Romania, 2005, pp. 153-168.
N. Curteanu, C. Bolea, " Resurse şi instrumente de prelucrare lingvistică la IIT Iaşi", Resurse Lingvistice Româneşti şi Instrumente pentru Prelucrarea Limbii Române, Iaşi, noiembrie 2005.
N. Curteanu., D. Galea, C. Butnariu, C. Bolea, "Marcu’s Clause-like Discourse Segmentation Algorithm and SCD Clause Segmentation-based Parsing", Proceedings ECIT2004 - Third European Conference on Intelligent Systems and Technologies, Iasi, Romania, 2004.
I. Pavaloi, C. Bolea, "Automatic Two-Dimensional Mesh Generation", ECIT-2002, Iaşi, 2002.
D. Gâlea, N. Curteanu, C. Linteş, G. Holban, C. Bolea, "Segmentation Algorithms for Clause-Type Textual Units", Conferinţa internaţională ECIT-2002, Iaşi, 2002.
N. Curteanu, G. Holban, S. Negulescu, I. Pavaloi, C. Pavaloi, A. Todirascu, "Linguistic Database for Romanian Language", vol. Limbaj si Tehnologie, ed. D.Tufis, Editura Academiei Române, Bucuresti 1996, pp. 101-108.
N. Curteanu, G. Holban, S. Negulescu, I. Pavaloi, C. Pavaloi, A. Todirascu, "A Lingusitic Knowledge Database for the Romanian Language", ROSYCS'96, Iasi 1996, pp. 300-309.
V. Hasnasi, G. Holban, S. Negulescu, C. Pavaloi, I. Pavaloi, A.Todirascu, "Dictionar si corector de cuvinte pentru limba romana", The Sixth Conference of TAKIS, INTERKIBERNETIK'93, 23-26 August, 1993, Iasi, Romania
N. Curteanu, P. G. Holban, I. Păvăloi, S. Negoiescu, C. Păvăloi, "Lexical Analysis and Spelling Checking of Romanian", Communication Session of the Balcanic Society of Fuzzy Systems and AI, 1992.
N. Curteanu, G. Holban, I. Păvăloi, S. Negoiescu, C. Păvăloi, "Linguistic Database for the Morfo Sintactic Analysis of Romanian", Communication Session of the Balcanic Society of Fuzzy Systems and AI, 1992.